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NameBirth DateDeath Date
Gagon, Harold C. 4/3/1915 8/24/1963
Gagon, Phil Angelo 4/25/1939 8/13/1994
Gallagher, Addie R.
Gallagher, Charles Curtis 7/30/1953 6/28/1991
Gallagher, Thomas E.
Galle, Frank Samuel
Galleninne, Richard Arthur 11/2/1944 11/2/1994
Galvan, Eleanor 7/30/1923 10/4/1938
Galvan, James 6/9/1953 3/9/1999
Galvan, Marie C. 7/11/1911 1/17/1984
Galvan, Vincenta 2/19/1920 11/27/1930
Garbani, Maria 7/7/1965
Garcia, Albert 1965 10/5/1965
Garcia, Augustine 8/28/1916 4/3/1997
Garcia, Jose 7/6/1950 6/17/2017
Garcia, Maria Manuela 6/18/1925 2/27/2001
Garcia, Sebastina 11/30/1963
Garcia, Stephan James (Steven) 3/7/1986
Garcia, Victor S. 1/1/1925 1/1/1970
Garcia, Ysaac DeLa Luz 4/16/1977
Gardner, Leslie Allen
Garner, George ("Stan Robert") 8/7/1912 2/10/1979
Garner, Violet Inez 4/13/1920 3/7/1980
Garr, Baby 8/17/1955 8/17/1955
Garr, Baby Girl 1958 1958
Garrett, Samuel 4/11/1967
Getz, Joseph G.
Gibbons, Robert
Gibbs, Jack 3/15/1908 12/24/1938
Gibson, Merle A. 10/17/1923 1/5/1985
Gifford, Dorothy J.
Gill, Clara A. 12/30/1889 9/11/1949
Gillham, Betty E. 11/16/1915 4/21/1979
Gillham, Harold 10/24/1918 9/8/1999
Ginnow, Joseph 8/2/1990 7/6/2012
Gish, George K. 2/10/1969
Glinz, Lawrence 6/13/1971
Glinz, Lucile Margaret 12/10/1911 3/9/1997
Goad, Steve M. 11/6/1901 2/4/1939
Gobert, Deborah Lynn 11/8/1963 11/9/1963
Gonzales, Rayitos 4/5/1924 9/10/1949
Gonzalez, Armando G. 3/1/1941 2/25/2004
Gonzalez, Guadalupe Q. 4/8/1990
Gonzalez, Miguel A. 7/16/1928 9/7/2007
Goodall, Mary Ann 6/25/1943 6/25/1943
Goodman English, Blanche 6/22/1920 2/14/2016
Goodwin, Alvin Monroe 4/28/1939 5/2/2000
Goodwin, Bobby Gene 11/10/1937 4/12/1993
Goodwin, Dennis Ray 3/3/1960 8/29/2002
Goodwin, Johnny Allen 2/3/1948 9/6/1995
Goodwin, Ottis Edwin 12/10/1907 7/20/1990
Goodwin, Thelma Dee 7/27/1918 11/22/2002
Gordon, Howard Don 6/13/1906 2/8/1978
Gorge, Clara E.
Gorge, Ruth O'Neal 7/1/1914 1/15/1955
Gothzeit, Danny Lee 7/30/1955 8/1/1955
Goulden, Elizabeth 8/4/1996 7/17/1975
Goulden, Harry 5/22/1973
Graham, Glen R.
Gray, Cindra Louise ("Cynthia") 4/20/1957 2/3/1984
Gray, Katherine 3/17/1900 10/6/1998
Green, Claud R. 6/17/1943 4/16/1999
Green, Frances Louise 7/8/1913 10/21/1970
Green, Fred Randolph 2/4/1910 6/29/1972
Green, Marion Irene 4/29/1983 6/7/1989
Greenleaf, J. Raymond
Grewe, Richard George 2/5/1942 4/9/2001
Grewe, Thomas Patrick 6/15/1969 12/12/1992
Griffin, Cecil Dudley 5/10/1904 8/21/1978
Griffin, Elizabeth 8/28/1947 8/28/1947
Grooms, Charles Edgar 4/4/1927 2/25/2003
Grooms, Gilbert Norman 5/15/1949 12/9/1971
Grooms, Lenora Isabel 9/4/1927 6/17/2018
Guillen, Ramona 7/3/1931 2/6/1932
Gum, Tom
Gurrido, Agnes
Guy, John Allen 4/2/1916 11/26/2006
Guy, Lori Leah 11/18/1959 4/14/1969
Guy, Lucy V. 6/6/1931 9/15/2005

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