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NameBirth DateDeath Date
Cabrera, Andrew 10/21/1993 12/5/2010
Cadaret, Zachary D. 10/12/2006 10/12/2006
Cagle, Leonard Jasper 6/14/1916 3/3/1995
Cahill, Hubert F. ("Bill")
Cahill, Theresa Emiley 11/25/1901 7/18/1981
Cain, Charles W. 10/15/1903 4/14/1978
Cain, Elizabeth
Cain, Harvey Kenneth
Cain, William
Callahan, Billy Joe
Callahan, Jeffrey Daniel 6/12/1980 5/19/1982
Callahan, Walter Simpson 2/19/1898 6/24/1940
Camp, Esta Leona 9/27/1905 10/31/1943
Camp, June Emergine 8/28/1926 9/11/1938
Camp, Lonnie
Campbell, Cyril E.
Campbell, Earl William 4/2/1924 11/22/1982
Campen, Ann L. 1/17/1920 8/15/1973
Campos, Adela 11/13/1913 12/3/2009
Campos, Jose 9/24/1914 6/16/1997
Cappello, Albert Harry 1/27/1924 10/25/1979
Cappello, Angelo 6/12/1893 1/28/1982
Cappello, Anna 12/23/1973
Cappello, Frank 9/25/1946 9/23/2009
Cappello, Frank John 4/20/1920 7/16/1981
Cappello, Guiseppina 9/5/1986
Cappello, Helen G. 8/8/1926 2/3/1972
Cappello, Helen Louise 10/31/1951 6/16/1952
Cappello, Umberto 12/13/1890 2/4/1975
Carder, Shirley Lee 1/14/1946 3/29/1976
Carle, Douglas 5/20/1918 3/5/1965
Carle, Heidi Ellen 9/1/1956 5/10/1985
Carlson, Ernest 3/30/1888 8/20/1972
Carlson, Mary J. 1/25/1878 11/5/1979
Carmichael, Clara Belle 12/2/1901 5/2/1985
Carmichael, Rollo Oliver 8/5/1897 12/29/1959
Carol, Max Harold 1/15/1891 7/7/1970
Carol, Pauline 9/18/1900 6/8/1980
Carpenter, Gene L. 1/17/1928 11/30/1980
Carpenter, Leona Grace 11/25/1931 10/12/2002
Carr, Edward Lynn
Carr, Elsie
Carr, Vivien Thelma 1/16/1911 5/17/1976
Carroll, John Edward 5/29/1912 11/24/1971
Carroll, Juanita ("Nita") 12/7/1970
Carroll, Mary Evalyn 9/6/1916 11/20/1990
Carter, John O. 6/10/1911 9/29/1978
Carter, Mae L. 4/25/1916 2/27/1976
Cary, George A. ("Bill") 7/23/1907 1/29/1975
Cary, Sara Jane 8/11/1905 4/3/1980
Casemets, John C.
Casper, Olivia Belle 1/21/1929 11/15/1997
Cassou, Frieda 11/18/1977
Cassou, Peter
Casteel, Iva Mae 2/2/1908 12/28/1936
Castle, Morris E. 8/18/1923 2/6/1984
Castle, Thelma H. 3/30/1929 4/27/1994
Caswell, Debora
Caswell, Oscar 12/18/1908 11/3/1976
Caswell, Swecia 2/27/1905 2/13/2000
Cathey, Billy Wayne 9/9/1961 10/18/1981
Catlin, John B. 1856 1/25/1901
Cerwinsky, Vic Anthony 7/22/1942 8/13/1942
Chambers, Alma Irene
Chanz, Eugene Frank 5/20/1908 11/4/1959
Chapman, Eric
Chapman, Jesse C. 8/18/1908 2/6/1950
Chenard, Catherine Ruth 8/9/1978
Chenard, Henri Leon 2/5/1955
Cheney, Grace B. 6/20/1978
Cheney, Richard M.
Cheoses, Constantine
Cherry, Dennis Robert 3/30/1942 6/15/1992
Cherry, Lucille 7/30/1934 9/20/1999
Cherry, Sharon Della 9/29/1945 4/2/1982
Chism, Calvin 2/24/1911 5/30/2004
Chitwood, Frances L. 8/13/1905 2/12/1975
Christie, William James 3/26/1893 2/5/1969
Christopherson, Melvin O. 3/7/1915 4/29/1979
Churchhill, Vernon Elisah 11/10/1923 6/17/1967
Churchill, Hattie Louise 2/23/1963
Churchill, Mary Theresa (Tina) 2/19/1927 11/29/1979
Churchill, William F. 1960
Clark, Essie Mae Mae 9/9/1978
Clark, Frederick H. 8/25/1909 12/20/1983
Clark, Nora Mae 5/19/1912 3/6/1988
Clark, Paul 6/30/1918 2/16/2004
Clark, Viola 11/17/1924 12/12/2015
Clark, William Frank 4/5/1971
Clarkston, Claude Jack 3/26/1909 7/6/1957
Clay, Ella Ruth
Clensy, Doris Jean 11/13/1927 3/24/1997
Clensy, Richard 8/5/1930 12/23/1999
Clifford, Mabel Groh 2/24/1909 8/2/1993
Clifford, Robert D. 6/4/1914 6/4/1973
Clough, Diana 1/31/1949 2/13/1949
Clowes, Myrtle E. 11/28/1976
Cluff, Elizabeth C. 4/9/1957
Cluff, Harvey M.
Coe, Roy Worth 1/6/1967
Coffee, Esta O'Dell 5/29/1912 9/12/2000
Coffee, William M. 8/17/1909 10/29/1981
Cole, Rose Marie
Coleman, H.
Collins, Ada Mae 1/25/1893 2/20/1967
Collins, Berl William 7/4/1913 1/3/1978
Collins, Bill Ben 2/14/1924 5/29/1955
Collins, Billy Joe 3/18/1947 3/19/1947
Collins, Charles C. ("Charley") 6/20/1889 5/31/1962
Collins, Clarence Broughton 11/18/1901 10/17/1991
Collins, Dale 10/28/1949 5/29/1955
Collins, Harold E. 10/17/1917 10/1/1983
Collins, Mary Marie Elizabeth 1/11/1916 11/14/1982
Collins, Ruth Ailene 6/22/1909 9/5/1971
Comer, Harold E. 1/1/1972 11/22/1972
Compton, Joseph 3/17/1945
Cook, Alma Alameda 10/18/1990
Cook, Barbara Ann 2/20/1946 3/13/2001
Cook, Frank D. 3/26/1990
Cook, Herbert 11/18/1911 7/3/2010
Cook, Jewell M. 4/5/1919 1/10/1973
Cook, John W. 3/29/1973
Cook, Maud-Leigh 11/8/1902 9/29/1996
Cook, Theodore Webster 12/9/1891 8/21/1965
Cook, Thomas A. 9/9/1900 7/20/1973
Cooksey, Marty C. 12/23/1960 4/27/1985
Cookson, Sidney 9/22/1924 9/13/1970
Cooley, Susan Fay
Coone, Sally Fleming 1/22/1978
Cooper, Mamie Estella
Cooper, Verner S.
Corbishly, Margaret L. 6/25/1936 3/17/2001
Corder, Ira Edson 1/21/1916 5/16/1983
Cornelius, Everett W. 6/26/1900 11/2/1976
Corrick, Guy LeRoy
Corrick, Harriett L.
Cortese, Anna F. 6/18/1910 2/14/2005
Cortese, Frank R. 3/3/1902 11/21/1976
Coss, Garciela 12/12/1934 2/9/1995
Coss, Javier 4/13/1957 2/9/2003
Costelow, Marion Kathleen
Cottle, Ivan Lee 9/25/1889 1/14/1963
Coty, Jessie Mearl 5/28/1911 5/25/1948
Coulter, Beulah 10/25/1915 6/30/1999
Coulter, James W. 1/28/1909 2/9/1983
Cowman, Fred aka Cowans 11/28/1976
Cox, Hugh J.T. 11/16/1930 9/4/1988
Cox, Nancy Lynn 3/4/1934 10/24/2002
Coz, Francisco (Coss) 7/24/1925 7/31/2004
Craig, Mearl Henry 8/30/1896 10/21/1956
Craig, Mearl Kenneth 12/12/1921 12/10/1987
Cravens, J. D. 2/10/1922 11/13/1981
Crawford, Harvey 11/6/1971
Crawford, Jason John (McNealy) 11/22/1978 12/17/1985
Crawford, Mildred K.
Creger, Patricia Ann 3/30/1947 3/30/1947
Crocoll, David 2/19/1926 10/31/2016
Crosley, Jack
Croslin, Lloyd J. 6/3/1912 6/20/1983
Cross, Doris Ann 12/11/1929 9/14/1973
Crowder, Charles Francis 7/7/1971
Crowder, Sylvia L. 5/25/1895 4/5/1982
Crowe, Ronald Edward 3/28/1958 4/5/1991
Crowe, Warren Alexander 6/21/1978 7/18/1996
Crowell, Candace 8/2/1972 3/1/2008
Crowell, Robert F. 10/10/1974 10/10/1974
Crowl, John J.
Cruse, Archie
Cruse, Ellen
Cruse, Emma
Cruse, Eva
Culpepper, Harvey E. 2/11/1929 4/5/1976
Culpepper, Tomasa B. 10/6/1931 10/26/2007
Cunningham, Pauline Jean 10/8/1908 7/15/1989
Cunningham, Tracy Oliver 10/22/1902 1/25/1978
Curtion, Effie Jerusha 2/3/1864 6/4/1947
Curtion, John Wilton
Curtion, Thelma Fay 10/4/1904 7/6/1940
Curtis, Marjorie 1/14/1929 1/26/2009
Curtis, Xenphon ("Jake") 12/10/1896 11/10/1967
Cusac, Betty 6/17/1933 5/20/2004
Cusac, Norman Jay 4/13/1923 9/12/1995

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