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The Lancaster Cemetery is located at the northeast corner of Division St. and Lancaster Blvd in Lancaster, California.

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NameBirth DateDeath Date
La Branch, Daisy Pearl 7/18/1912 9/27/2007
La Branch, Joseph Earl 10/20/1906 3/13/1964
La Rue, Edwin Lewis 9/27/1911 5/19/1987
La Rue, Eunice 8/20/1915 8/4/1995
Labat, Edouard C. 3/17/1934 7/9/2007
Labat, Jacqueline ("Jackie") 1941 3/22/1999
LaBerteaux, Richard W. 3/20/1921 8/22/2011
Labrum, Frank Boyd 12/14/1917 6/24/1971
Lachmann, Dennis S. 2/23/1962
Lacy, Herbert Dale ("Costa") 7/22/1950 11/28/1996
Lafferty, Mabel Beatrice 7/5/1909 2/24/1996
Lafferty, Thomas John 4/20/1912 11/24/1995
LaFollette, LaVonne Inez 3/13/1924 4/22/1994
LaFollette, Ona D. 2/21/1917 8/11/1976
LaFoya, David Allen 9/14/1950 11/13/2005
Lake, Bernard L. 12/9/1903 1/19/1978
Lake, Twyla B. 12/7/1908 3/27/2002
Lake, Vicky Joyce 10/15/1947 10/15/1947
Lakoseljac, Beverly Ann 5/14/1938 2/13/1996
Lakoseljac, Guiditta 11/3/1903 3/11/1995
Lakoseljac, Marco 12/26/1897 5/24/1986
Lamb, Jonas Carlyle 4/30/1917 1/12/2001
Lambert, Nancy May 5/12/1905 12/28/1995
LaMont, Catherine Bridget 3/22/1898 7/7/1953
Lamoreaux, Clara Belle 11/1/1872 5/31/1939
Lamoreaux, Robert Milton 2/8/1865 6/27/1940
Lamoreaux, Russell Wickham 2/12/1894 5/12/1959
Lampshire, Francis R. 4/2/1938 8/15/1960
Lancaster, Clyde Alexander 4/2/1922 2/8/1982
Lancey, Elmer E 1/29/1862 5/7/1938
Landaverde, Jose Luis 8/19/1949 9/12/2008
Landphair, Elmer A. 12/1/1849 3/7/1930
Lane, Albert H. 2/22/1875 3/1/1923
Lane, Blanche 6/14/1908 12/6/1998
Lane, Francis Earl 11/14/1907 7/1/1945
Lane, Frederick M. 11/22/1911 11/24/1976
Lane, Grant 8/8/1903 9/25/1940
Lane, Jewel 9/10/1916 8/14/1987
Lane, Robert 9/8/1915 9/8/1915
Lane, Roberta Georgia 1/19/1922 3/29/1922
Lang, Clairanne Martine 2/21/1954 10/16/1998
Lang, William 12/22/1869 8/1/1946
Lange, Bernice Adelaide 6/16/1938 8/10/1992
Lange, Bertha Johanna 8/15/1900 7/12/1987
Langford, Phillip Wayne 10/5/1960 1/8/1993
Langston, Harry Allison 2/15/1924 7/23/1945
Lape, Benjamin Curtis 3/1/1888 3/30/1947
Lapham, Soloman L 2/28/1832 1/12/1921
Lapp, Ann Margaret 12/3/1895 3/28/1968
Lapp, Paul Alfred 3/12/1889 12/10/1955
Lares, Stella 8/25/1927 4/25/2000
Larra, Leonardo 1899 9/10/1917
Larrazolo, Rafael Euologio 9/13/1913 1/27/1988
Larsen, Anna Margaret 1/31/1901 4/5/1955
Larsen, Coralee 4/5/1926 2/2/1964
Larsen, Willard Lester 3/23/1892 7/17/1966
Lary, Antonia K. ("Anna") 9/4/1888 7/20/1972
Lary, Cecil Blaine 7/6/1885 11/9/1958
Lasa, Carlos Ricardo 5/3/1931 10/16/1940
Lasseter, Mildred Pauline 6/10/1918 7/28/1996
Latham, William Edward 12/9/1912 6/9/1973
Laughridge, Ruby Olin 7/10/1913 10/24/1958
LaVine, Joseph James 2/20/1890 5/5/1954
Lawhon, Mabel C. 3/9/1903 8/27/1976
Lawhorn, James McDonald ("Tex") 7/23/1921 10/23/1992
Lawhorn, Terry Gene 1/9/1958 3/2/1978
Lawler, Thomas James 5/24/1901 6/17/1940
Lawrence, Amanda ("Manda") 3/10/1875 3/17/1949
Lawrence, Daniel Boone 4/16/1873 6/19/1961
Lawrence, Darrell Parker 7/25/1948 7/25/1948
Lawrence, Goldie Linnie 5/22/1902 9/12/1968
Lawrence, Olan Alvin 12/2/1910 1/15/1949
Lawrence, Sandra Lee 11/6/1945 11/6/1945
Lawson, Albert L. 1933 2007
Lawson, Mary Addell 1/16/1908 7/1/2001
Lawton, Gregory Vincent 7/14/1902 1/6/1974
Layne, Anna Marie 5/28/1894 12/20/1958
Layne, Frank A. 1/18/1883 11/19/1964
Lea, Cerail Edward 9/3/1918 12/5/1951
Leach, Virgil L. 3/6/1920 3/21/2002
Leach, Wilma Juanita Nation 2/4/1926 8/20/2008
Leadingham, Alice Laurae 11/3/1913 12/6/1986
Leaman, Addie M. 5/16/1883 10/23/1963
Leaman, Arthur Ernest 6/20/1899 7/11/1947
Leandro, John 8/22/1887 3/10/1937
Leary, Lorene 5/30/1915 1/3/1983
Leas, Heather Alexandria 4/17/1971 1/21/1993
LeBlanc, Thomas Joseph 1/25/1949 1/12/1980
Leblo, Lillian Barnett 8/28/1910 11/14/1969
Lecher, Paul 12/24/1872 8/25/1955
Lecher, Paul Herman 9/20/1898 11/9/1927
Lecher, Susanna Jacobi 10/8/1875 8/25/1957
Leckliter, Dan W. 4/30/1944 10/8/1997
LeCompte, Jr Walter N. 1/11/1928 9/12/1965
Ledbetter, Daniel Roger 7/13/1902 1/25/1976
Ledbetter, Lydia Bessie 3/13/1906 12/5/1958
Lee, Bruce Gregory 4/25/1963 1/27/1993
Lee, Ella Katherine 8/14/1880 6/22/1953
Lee, Franklin Harry 10/7/1880 5/7/1946
Lee, John Francis 5/17/1921 5/23/1940
Lee, Joyce L. 10/2/1931 8/30/1999
Lee, Mabelle Ruth 11/23/1882 2/14/1965
Lee, Melvin ("Blinkie") 3/30/1953 11/8/1992
Lee, Peggy Jo 11/9/1948 11/10/1948
Lee, Richard Gilbert 12/25/1895 2/22/1956
Lee, Truman Willie 1/7/1930 12/2/1998
Leech, Emily Frances 6/18/1874 5/13/1959
Leech, John J. 10/1/1879 3/7/1963
Leeper, Julia Rose 7/15/1917 7/15/1917
Leeper, Roger Ernest 2/20/1917 6/12/1981
Leeson, Clifton Joseph 10/30/1926 7/11/1996
Leeson, Monnie May 1/17/1908 9/16/1979
Leeson, Perry E. 8/10/1899 8/30/1970
Leffler, Ellen L. 2/15/1902 6/30/1977
Leggins, Henry 4/15/1893 4/17/1963
Lehman, Floyd 1901 1960
Leisle, Eunice Valentine 2/14/1913 3/2/1990
Leitch, Andrew Langhorne 2/21/1871 3/23/1950
Leitch, Flavia 11/3/1877 6/25/1960
LeMay, Irene L. 1/4/1914 7/23/2003
LeMay, Stanley N. 3/6/1909 5/17/1998
Lemieux, Albert Joseph 7/13/1892 1/3/1940
Lemonias, Bertha 2/2/1907 5/20/2002
LePage, Norman 11/13/1897 9/11/1942
Leriger, Kenton Theodore 1/1/1952 3/27/1970
Leslie, Julia 9/30/1882 1/26/1942
Lewis, Clarence Wells 1/28/1851 3/23/1921
Lewis, Cristala Deon 3/1/1958 7/12/1958
Lewis, Edna Sarah 4/25/1873 3/21/1949
Lewis, James Franklin 3/4/1869 8/18/1946
Lewis, Lillian Florence 11/12/1896 11/7/1979
Lewis, Mary Susan 2/21/1884 4/16/1958
Lewis, Melvin Merryweather 2/15/1902 12/26/1958
Lewis, Ollie Lee 6/27/1889 7/17/1966
Lewis, Vernice Y. 12/28/1949 3/15/2003
Leyva, Frank M. 10/15/1903 1/14/1991
Libert, Claudine B. 6/16/1917 1/8/1965
Lighthall, Ervin Eugene 4/10/1908 3/16/1941
Lilley, William Hart 2/24/1921 5/14/1987
Lilly, Everett Shirley 5/1/1920 11/27/1983
Lime, Lewis Edward 4/13/1934 1/31/1989
Limpus, Donald Robert 6/13/1916 5/3/1970
Lindaya, Ceferino 1/1/1904 4/14/1942
Lindee, Minnie B. 4/10/1882 4/16/1963
Lindeman, Sue Irene 11/30/1914 1/20/1990
Linderman, Merrill Ward 10/18/1963 9/2/1990
Lindmeyer, Joseph John 3/15/1917 8/22/1967
Lindner, George D 2/15/1858 1/28/1938
Lindner, George Franklyn 11/10/1890 11/7/1930
Lindner, Winefred Irene 1/4/1914 5/21/1919
Lindquist, Blanch 6/16/1889 10/19/1946
Lindquist, Elmer 5/31/1883 8/1/1970
Lindsay, Baby 6/15/1943 6/15/1943
Linegar, Lillie M. 10/13/1896 9/2/1975
Ling, Sophia ("Sophie") 7/13/1847 2/26/1908
Lipscomb, Beverly Kay 9/7/1943 7/24/1961
Liske, Charles William 12/4/1930 10/25/1987
Liston, Leta Gooding 8/9/1897 8/11/1921
Little, Delores Mae 8/4/1923 4/24/1980
Little, Ellen Forest 9/9/1897 10/31/1966
Little, George Edward 11/25/1919 6/10/2011
Livermore, Montra 7/4/1879 9/8/1973
Livingston, Daniel 12/25/1879 4/20/1940
Lizama, Franklin Anthony 4/4/1966 8/21/1991
Llarena, Alberto ("Albert") 11/20/1921 9/23/1994
Llarena, Lois Vivian 10/31/1926 5/31/2005
Lloyd, Robert V. 3/23/1950 11/22/2011
Lockard, Clarkson Hughes 4/3/1863 6/13/1937
Lockert, Cheryl Nadine 6/4/1938 1/23/1996
Lockheart, Lynda Diana 2/10/1959 8/26/2001
Lofinck, Reuben Edward ("Robert") 8/27/1894 12/17/1960
Loftin, Lillie Mae 12/14/1928 4/2/1937
Loftis, Rachel Catherine 4/17/1894 2/16/1986
Logan, Benjamin F. 3/3/1875 6/25/1953
Logan, Emma Belle 11/8/1879 11/12/1949
Logan, Lydia May 3/14/1899 5/5/1945
Logan, Sheridan Ellis 5/29/1896 1/4/1960
Logerman, Grace 10/4/1906 2/17/1981
Lokey, Howard Milton 12/30/1919 11/2/1986
Long, Helen Taft 6/2/1912 5/22/1999
Long, John 1892 3/9/1932
Long, Sara Marie 12/20/1990 12/20/1990
Longbrake, Mary Margaret 12/24/1901 9/11/1989
Longbrake, Neil Hiram 5/2/1899 1/31/1976
Longuevan, Charles 4/21/1936 4/21/1936
Loomis, Charles Randolph 11/25/1853 12/18/1930
Loomis, Charles Winfield 7/5/1928 7/25/1948
Loomis, Mary Jane 3/29/1861 4/1/1938
Loomis, Thomas Randolph 2/17/1898 1/6/1964
Loomis, Thomas Roy 9/9/1931 6/9/1986
Loomis, Wynn Joan 5/16/1932 12/31/1945
Lopez, Bernardo 8/20/1940 8/11/1997
Lopez, Jose 3/14/1896 7/1/1937
Lopez, Louis 5/28/1932 9/23/1932
Lopez, Manuel 4/10/1900 2/13/1937
Losey, Darrell Merrill 2/20/1947 4/22/1947
Losey, Rose Marie 7/20/1943 7/22/1943
Lotspeich, Charles Albert 5/30/1915 4/4/1980
Lotspeich, Michael Eugene 1/27/1955 3/6/1956
Lotspeich, Pearl G. 5/5/1871 3/1/1965
Lotspeich, Ruth Alma 12/16/1915 10/3/2006
Lott, Virginia Ellen 9/2/1944 9/6/1944
Loudon, Earl James 11/14/1892 4/22/1956
Lovatto, Elizabeth Ann 11/25/1948 6/22/1991
Love, Baby 1947 1947
Love, Bobby Gene 10/10/1942 8/24/1945
Love, Steven 8/10/1955 8/10/1955
Love, Tommy Otto 12/8/1944 12/18/1944
Lovelace, William Frank 12/19/1901 5/12/1950
Lovely, Florence 11/17/1897 1/23/1966
Lovely, Hughie Francis 8/11/1900 9/26/1971
Lowe, Melvin Arthur 11/25/1918 9/8/1978
Lowenthal, Jr. William Hugh 8/14/1955 8/17/1986
Lowenthal, William Hugh 9/30/1920 3/14/1989
Lozano, Julia N. 12/20/1930 11/10/1995
Lubach, Madeline 7/11/1896 9/7/1983
Lubach, Walter Henry 11/14/1892 3/29/1979
Lucero, Arturo 1932 2013
Lucero, Barbara Jean ("Bobbie") 8/10/1935 7/1/1980
Lucero, Joan May 12/19/1934 1/28/1987
Ludi, John Alexander 8/7/1878 7/7/1967
Ludi, Mary E 1/1/1884 2/28/1964
Ludlow, Robert Edgar 1/19/1883 11/10/1958
Luebke, Charles Carl 8/8/1864 1/4/1938
Luebke, Francis Charles 7/18/1899 5/30/1966
Luebke, Scholastica ("Charlotte") 7/18/1863 11/10/1933
Luera, Pascual 11/1/1895 5/2/1942
Lujan, Herlinda 2/18/1915 2/14/1994
Lujan, Pedro Montes 5/13/1936 6/14/1985
Lujan, Ramon Aguilera 10/2/1914 6/25/1997
Lum, Nancy Faye 5/24/1956 9/4/1994
Luman, Arthur L. 1/22/1924 7/12/2006
Luman, Mary Belle 12/2/1928 12/2/1990
Lumpkins, Floyd 5/30/1919 10/17/1992
Lundquist, Martha Jane 6/19/1937 9/17/1992
Lunsford, Evelyn M. 10/19/1992 11/26/2001
Lunsford, Floyd Collins 8/18/1925 3/31/1994
Lynch, Edward J. 6/20/1918 5/1/1995
Lynch, Rose Margaret 2/5/1917 2/8/1989
Lyttleton, John L 1854 6/7/1925

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